Photograffiti Montréal (2013)

A new version of this project associated with the Literacy Foundation, includes adults undergoing literacy training.

The participants, attending the grassroots literacy organization, L’Atelier des lettres, agreed to answer the following question: “What message would you like to pass on to someone with strong reading and writing skills?” Each of them then agreed to have their photo taken with their message displayed on a poster.

Now all you have to do is decode the words on these posters. The roles are reversed, placing you, the reader, in the position of having to decipher messages mostly written in sounds. In fact, the words have not been corrected, the emphasis instead being placed on real communication. So errors must not be
considered mistakes—that’s their message for you, which trumps any rule of written language.
 ‟J'aime apprendre pour écrire des lettres, pour dire que je vais bien. C'est important.‟
Montréal 2013
 ‟Savoir lire et écrire c'est ma fierté. Je remercie ceux qui se donnent la peine de nous apprendre.‟
Montréal 2013
 ‟Isabel m'aide à lire les longs mots‟
Montréal 2013
 ‟En alphabétisation populaire, on encourage d'abord à écrire! Avec ou sans fautes, on a tous quelque chose à dire!!! Utilisez plutôt vos stylos rouges pour raturer vos préjugés!‟
Montréal 2013
 ‟Merci Paulette, ma belle-soeur. Tu m'encourages tout le temps à aller à l'école. Je continue!‟
Montréal 2013
 ‟Quand j'écris, je m'exprime! Je me sens capable, je me sens forte pour agir‟
Montréal 2013
 © Pierre Crépô
‟Savoir lire et écrire c'est ma fierté. Je remercie ceux qui se donnent la peine de nous apprendre.‟
Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 © Noémie Pomerleau-Cloutier
Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 © Noémie Pomerleau-Cloutier
Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 © Pierre Crépô
‟Je suis fier de venir en alphabétisation pour comprendre les sons‟
Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 ‟Je souligne le courage des adultes qui surmontent la peur et la honte en s'engageant dans une démarche d'alphabétisation‟
Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.
 Exhibition for the International Literary Festival of Montreal, from the 20th to the 29th of septembre 2013.